Blog Archive

Tuesday, May 03, 2011


Dear Dreams,

Technically... I'm not so sure if my dreams are supposed to mean "My Aspirations" towards life or that it meant "What I dream of at night" But I'll just write to "What I dream of at night" first. I think I'm really happy to be able to dream. Certain people can't... But I can, and I'm grateful. At times, those dreams may turn into nightmares. But there are times where nightmares turn into sweet dreams too. So I'm really glad... ha-ha. I love to sleep because that's when I have a chance to dream of things I wanna do but don't get a chance to. Dream of people I wanna meet but can't. It's a really awesome thing to be able to dream. Certain times... dreams will be super ridiculous. But I guess that's okay.... that's what is so fun isn't it? There's nothing much to tell my dreams... because, I simply love them. And that's that. ;)

Hmm , Aspirations ?  whats that? i don't have one to be frank... I don't even know what drives me everyday . Just live life for the sake of it and go on to decide under the worst circumstances . I envy those people who have dreams that they are working towards to everyday . How nice ;) But as for me , my plan is to get the best result , having a variety of choices to choose to study ? Maybe it would work this way . :D

Anyway , how have  you guys been doing ? Busy studying for mye , i suppose. So am I ! Gosh .___. Two more days to our first paper ! Having to think abt it , it just brings cold sweat to me only T-T . I just hadn't done enough and all i'm left is to yearn for time extension which is like so impossible . Crap! Anyway ,
I just want to say , Goodluck to you all ^^ , Do your best now ,if not you'll just end up regretting afterwards. DONT GIVE UP ! :D

[ I know that you know that it will get better.

Today might not be the day, tomorrow might not be either.

But one day,
We are gonna have it all.]

With love ,

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