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Saturday, May 14, 2011

Now , i'm afraid of sinking in too deeply ..

To be direct or not be direct was good ? Why must I walk rounds and rounds then stop and say out what I want? Isn't it so much better if I was frank? Then again, certain words and things are meant to be kept the way they were. Well I am weird. And at times, I don't understand myself either. When I have a liking for someone, I realize, at the end of the day, I'll just give it a shot. To whether I fail or not, it's more of the process that I will then be maturing, so on and so forth. It's always a matter of time before I let the other party know that I like them. Switching this chain of thoughts for a moment, I am surprised. I kept my feelings for    suppressed. And I wonder what I take him as now. Would I in the eventually still let him know what I had felt initially? Well back here, about me being weird.

I guess the friendship I had built for the past weeks is equal to nothing .. Constantly been feeling so confused by my thoughts. I don't know if what i'm doing was right, its like leading myself to the dead end where you know you do not have a choice either. So , tell me what to do about it >? I know its worthless trying to love at this age , but we're human-beings , no matter what age , we are all maturing in certain ways and do have feelings right =/ I guess i'm being way too obvious. Wait , i think he knows, or hadn't he? Chasing after someone for the first time was shitty . Cus you've got to be brave & strong or even thick-skinned .... I've never had this experience of doing so for all my years , its completely different. And if you get those one sentence text , or even being the one making the conversation alive so that we wouldn't stop texting , How would you feel ? >: 

People say , 'take the first step ' . I am afraid of rejections, no, I shouldn't be talking so much, I will let all my loose ends out. But I still got to pour them out. I hate goodbyes, hate being left all alone like everything was just a dream .Basically, I am afraid of rejections, so I reject myself before being rejected. Eventually, I kept my feelings and suppressed it . 

Finally i am..... 15th!

So, allow me to thanks all of your for your birthday wishes ^^  & Present etc :D Its means a lot !;)  Will be celebrating both vivien & my birthday on this coming tue to USS ! *Excited*

know what , : I completely had no idea where the hell i got my surge of courage from , I feel as though my heart is dropping ! Woahh..... it was your smile that lifted my smile up;)) Thanks for making my day if you didn't realise it . *Melting heart *



Lastly ,
HAPPY BIRTHDAY VIVIEN! :)             14-05


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