Blog Archive

Monday, August 01, 2011

August ; You

Went on with Qianyu and Darren on Sunday :) Cwp > Bugis > Crystal Jade ^^  Had a really fun time with both of them . We laugh at some stupid actions we've made. It's been quite awhile since i have some really fun outing . We talk some stuff out too . Overall , it is definitely a fun outing:DD

To think that after this outing  , i need to settle down for my term test and after term test will be EOY. Time really does flies don't they ? Before we realise , it's already August. Nothing wait for me , i've got to really work hard for my examinations and graduate asap . I can't wait to get out of this school . There are already many things that i want to do after i graduate , so i really can't wait !

Sometimes , i don't understand myself either. I tend to get really piss at certain things that i don't even know why am i so petty in the first place. I need to change .

1 comment:

  1. HI. JINGXUAN WAS HERE :)))))))))))))))
