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Tuesday, July 12, 2011

What does 'Sorry' means?

"Sorry" is supposed to be a word filled with regret, compunction and even deplorable. But it is commonly used only for the sake of covering up for something you've done but not sincere about in apologizing. I question, why is the word "sorry" being used so lightly? No, it shouldn't be just another word in your life, you're supposed to mean it, before you say it. How can you be 'sorry' for something you've not done, or 'sorry' for something you don't know you did? With my own experience, I feel that sorry is really a word taken for granted. It's so commonly used that people think lightly of it. In any circumstance when things are going wrong, the immediate word that comes to their minds are often "Sorry" They'll think:"Okay, I'll just apologize so I can get things going" But that's not what sorry is supposed to mean.

Both females and males, they say "Sorry for breaking your heart, I didn't mean it" Ouch, it's a laughable joke. #1: You just misused sorry, you used sorry cos' you certainly can't find any word to substitute it, can you? #2: I didn't mean it, so "I didn't mean it" is referring to you didn't meant the sorry or the breaking of heart? If you didn't mean to break the heart, then why did you? Never ever ever use that tag-line in a break-up.

There also people who are often taken advantage of, even if things aren't their fault, they'll say "I'm sorry" so the others often make use of them. And they don't even notice it?! Sorry is like a habit for them, kick that habit away okay? Then there are those people who say "sorry lor" in a you-know-it's-sarcastic way; STOP USING SORRY FOR THE WRONG REASONS. And one of the last kind of ways sorry is misused, you know you've done something wrong, but you don't know what and then you just say sorry?!  Urgh, do you know that's what angers the person even more?! I know you want to make things right, but at least ask what you did wrong first. DON'T APOLOGIZE FOR NOTHING.

I admit I use sorry wrongly at times, but at least I've the guts to admit it, do you guys have? And what is sorry to you?


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