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Friday, March 18, 2011


We're often stucked between two types of people :
The one you love
The one who loves you

So, how and what are we to do when we meet such situations? Do you or you or you know? Sometimes, thinking is good... it makes me think of many things and at least all these while.

The one you love.
When you love someone, it doesn't means that the person would necessarily love you back. Although that person doesn't love you, you often tell yourself you're willing to wait. And even if you can't get him in the end, you comfort yourself by telling yourself love needs affinity. But how are we to control how we feel when we just feel that way? When we just love, we love. It's not as if anyone wants to purposely fall for someone that won't love them back right? -.- And you're willing to give everything up for him, you don't mind sacrificing anything. Your time, your love, your money.... your friends. For the one you love, you go to far distance, to a certain extent, I don't know how this can be under a human's capabilities to do so. That's how you love someone. And then he knows you love him, so he asks you to go with the one that loves you instead of him. And because that's what he wants, you'll just agree and... it wasn't your choice in the end, or was it?

The one who loves you.
In return, the one who loves you is always there for you, he is willing to also give everything up for you. He doesn't mind if he's your spare tyre, he doesn't mind because he loves you. Put yourself in his shoes, it's just like you wanting the person you love to love you back, to at least turn around... With the one who loves you, you are like queen. Whereas to the one you love, you'd always have to chase after them. You're always behind them. At times, you don't have the heart to hurt the one who loves you, so you ended up being with them.

Well , Once there was someone who told me, if I loved someone, I should hold on tight and not let go, because we can only love once that hard. Yet, another told me that if we love someone we should learn to let go, so that we can let the other party find happiness. But of which is a choice that I should make? It was never ever of circumstance, but of choice. We all do contemplate, but it's the final choice you make, that matters most. And once you've decided, go on with your choice, do not regret, do not look back -

Okays readers , coming to an end , i'm just writing down my thoughts that i've been thinking lately ,there's still much more that will come along the way , cus there's just too much things happening in my mind =/ and of course , i'll blog about all my outings during march holidays soon ! Do drop by next time ! :D

I just need to know if you are alright...
I feel so helpless becus i can't do anything for you anymore.

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