Can i give this
'Face' to everything -__-
Seriously , this
feelings sucks.
I hate the sight of many things and people.
Everytime i hope
things will go on smoothly , it turn out the otherwise. Everytime i see your
face , i'm tearing inside , not that i have butterflies , but just that constant
heartache. It's not getting away . I am the girl whom cry for many lil things ,
and it still is now , just that for different issues. I just hope i'm a little
bit stronger inisde. I won't tear easily. Definitely hadn't
been a good day . Almost everyday . I feel like dying with this ugly face of
mine too. =/ Unhappy part is that I would really appreciate if some people don't know what has been done behind the scene to stfu before any words had been spat out by you guys. Seriously , i don't feel good even though i smile my way through .... However , there are still some whom always had been there for me to cheer me on :) I love all of them ! As i know i'm being cared for and it means a lot C: Oh yes , training with them also has been a pleasant one. :) Thanks girls ! ;)
Everything seems to get harder and harder to please. Higher and higher expectations to lift up . Stronger and stronger front to maintain . Studies becoming harder and harder to cope. Basketball becoming lousier and lousier . #FML.
Cheer up alright ? its just life and you are still young and have a long way to go ! dont let relationships problem affect your studies and stuff its not worth it ! rather then giving the sian face , why not give a smile and be happy everyday ? do you rather smile and pass a day or cry and pass a day ? choose the one that benefit you alright ? Cheer up ! (if you know who am i :D )